Sunday, September 7, 2014

Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming what you once thought you couldn't

Holy shit. I live in France. While life is not perfect, things could be way worse.

My flights over here were all fine. I had to hit customs in Iceland and I have to say, fellas, if you're interested in which airlines have the most beautiful women...Iceland Air. Everyone was so beautiful and mostly blonde. I was quite surprised. Plus even the non-blondes were just as attractive. There was one situation...of course in the good ol U.S.of A, when 3 very very sexy NYPD officers boarded our plane to escort some drunk girl off the plane. It was only 5pm!!! Anyway it wasn't so bad since the eye candy was so satisfying.

Moving right along. I AM IN FRANCE! My family keeps asking all the same questions so I'll answer those and I've decided to make some'll see.

1. Yes I have my own room and bathroom. In France a bathroom does not contain a toilette but I also have one of those outside of my room. My room has a closet, a desk, and a nightstand. Pretty standard situation. Some pictures are below.
2. The house is nice. Small, but that seems to be the norm. It's quite cute and pretty French looking. They have a large garden, which is a backyard, with a pool.
3. The family is beyond nice and accommodating, I think I really lucked out. They don't except me to be a servant and they treat me great.
4. The kids are adorable. Not warming up to me yet but it will take time. The older one is more reserved and listens better while the younger one is so high energy and constantly pushing the boundaries.
5. The town is small but La Seine runs through it. It's absolutely amazing. La Seine is a large river that runs through France and Paris. I can't wait to run it. (Sidenote for those of you that know me know I was never a runner, but I got a great coach in Raechel and I'm murdering my run game) And let's be can't get too much better than running in France.

So that's the basics. I have learned several other things since being here...And thus you have list un (one):

1. French people sometimes smell in a way that Americans are not use to...this is a fact, one I have experienced already.
2. French wine is amazing, and thus far a requirment at every dinner. I can't complain but I will have to get use to it.
3. I have yet to see a hairy French woman which is also a positive.
4. No air conditioning. It's hot. The evenings are amazing but the
5. The most intimidating part about living in another country is the language. I can understand French quite well...but my speaking French is nearly worthless except to spew random words and simple phrases like "my name is."
6. Ecole...or school here is strange. They have lunches off...don't go on Wednesdays and go to school 6 weeks and then are off for two for the entire year.
7. We eat salad AFTER the meal. Quite interesting.

List deux (two...counting in French is actually something I CAN do) the things that are getting me through life and my short time in France and what I'm excited for:

1. My family. Who I get to talk to all the time thanks to the internet. They weren't happy with my decision but I couldn't do it without them.
2. My friends. Holy Moly they are the best. Not only getting to talk to them, getting packages but even getting some awesome emails which include this awesome video...
3. Going to school. I hate school. I hated my recent stint in grad school but...learning the language will be soo helpful and also I'll be able to make some friends!!!
4. Upcoming first Paris trip with someone who actually knows what's going on! Haha. September 21 is the date.
5. Trips! Not only free trips paid for by my current family but also the trips for myself...currently I'm thinking Lisbon Portugal, Italy...too many places to pick one!!, hopefully Germany to see someone I know and Spain to see another friend.

In conclusion, this has been hard. I haven't been here long and I have been through so many emotions. All I know is that no matter what I will learn something from this. Hopefully about myself.

Now anyone who has known me for any extended period of time knows I don't share my feelings and I don't let people in; normally because they end up stabbing you in the back or breaking your heart or when you are real lucky a combination of the two! Word vomting my current world all over the internet isn't easy...but really life's not easy. The choices we make aren't easy. It would be pointless to half ass this experience. I don't think I know everything and God knows I have so much to learn but maybe someone else can take something from all my bullshit. 

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