Thursday, September 25, 2014

A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.

As it turns fans demand more from me...and by that I mean cuss me out that they wasted their time reading my last short blog post. Jk Jk they didn't do that. But like I told someone I was quite uninspiried. I'm at a stopping point currently in feeling anything. I'm trying to adjust, trying to take care of children (which is really putting having my own kids in perspective), learning a language and teaching a language. It's weirdly overwhelming and underwhelming all at once. It's been a life adjustment as well. I know I've said this before but I never ever thought this is where I would be. Ever. Not the being in France part, I hoped that would happen at some point. The being single, career-less 20 something a foreign country. As much as I love it and I know this was the perfect decision it's a lot to handle in a big picture. I am so beyond lucky to have this opportunity and I am doing my best to remember that constantly but there is a part of me that can't wrap my nead around it.

This weekend we are going to a grocery store that has American things apparently. Peanut butter being one of those things and maple syrup... I got the older kid, G, hooked on grilled cheese which is so perfect for me. We are going to make PBnJs at some point and even American pancakes. Speaking of pancakes, we had crepes the other night. So good. First ham and cheese ones and then nutella ones. The kids here love nutella, I think as much as Americans. I however am not a huge fan. I've also now had Czech beer, liquor and soup! The soup was crazy good, kind of like chicken noodle soup...I could eat that again for sure. The beer was great. A light beer that you can apparently get in America...? I don't know. I will have to look into this. The liquor was strong. So so strong. And tastes all kinds of wacky. It is made from herbs apparently...not the good kind that are legal in Amsterdam, but herbs non the less. I don't do shots so I had to take it twice to get it all down and then my feet were tingling. They also have this awesome liquor which I have yet to try. They actually grown their own fruits and things and then take them to a person who ferments it all and makes it into liquor then it's yours!!!! I think this is like the neatest thing ever. I will try this soon I'm sure.

I am a little frustrated with the whole kid thing cause currently the mom and dad are home often and when they are the kids are crazy and don't listen to me when their parents are around. Luckily, the parents realize this and soon it won't be the same and they will be gone much longer during the days. Speaking of the parents working, they get 6 weeks vacation every year! W.t.effff. I need this like the job I don't have of course. I am interested to see what happens when it is just me with them more often.

Something I thought about in the shower tonight. My friends and family have been so supportive in my life and some of the quotes I've used since starting this online diary have been from them so from now on I will mention where I got the quote and in this post I am going to go back and give credit. (Disclosure I am sure my friends did not come up with these not did pinterest or where ever else I got them but I'm giving the most immediate credit.)
Post 1. Freshmen year drinking thanks
Post 2. Pinterest, where all the best things come from.
Post 3. Samantha. Most oldest bestest friend.
Post 4. Friday night lights of course. One of the best shows and by far the best quote from a tv show.
Post 5. I don't know...people just say this I think...
Post 6. Pinterest again because obviously
Current post. Aaron, one of the best friends ever.

Like I've said previously, I write these over several days. We went to the grocery store and it was nuts. So so many people and they are all kind of rude, in my opinion. But they all seem to understand that and just get on with it. Their grocery stores smell so amazing. They have butchers, and this fresh seafood section. They had an entire tuna, atleast 70 pounds, just sitting in the seafood section. We walked by the deli area and you can just smell the different meats and cheeses. It is kind of amazing. We also went to a big shopping area and I found a store I am in love with. Promod it's called. Seriously the cutest stuff like ever.

This weekend I had intended on going to the next town over to study and of course I didn't do that cause I am a terrible student. Like the worst. I am always like yea I'm going to go back to school to do something great and then I do and I realize I am an idiot for thinking that because I hate school. I  constantly procrastinate and really I can't on this french thing because my survival, and mostly sanity, depends on it. The french language is so complicated. It is not even funny. The mom also wants me to start a second class. Which I get because one, I suck at french but mostly she wants me to meet people. I am quite curious about this though because the group has tons of people from other countries so I am interested in seeing how they actually teach.

As an update to my lady friends...or guys I guess that are also interested, I have seen attractive french men!! Finally. I can't actually speak to them so at this point this matters none at all...but they exist...which I guess is a positive.

I have impressed myself with eating while I've been here. I ate beans!!! Once even voluntarily. I didn't love it but I didn't cry about it. Last night I also ate like a zucchini caserole. It literally had only zucchini and cheese in it. I despise beans and zuchinni, be tee dubs. All the food here is so interesting and my mom here is a great cook. Today, Sunday, lunch was huge and delicious. Snacks, pizza, quiche, salad and then a Czech desert and then coffee after. So. Much. Food. Tonight we are actually having McDonalds. Im quite interested in seeing what it tastes like...

I finally went running yesterday(last four pics below) I ran the Seine. Amazing. It was nice out but the weather is a huge difference. Even though it wasn't super cold it still affected my lungs and chest. Should be interesting to see what happens as it gets colder. Tomorrow I am going to ride my bike to the grocery store. I am not exactly sure how far it is, it is in the next town over. Ill probably run again on Tuesday. If I go somewhere great I will def include pics in my next post.

Today we went to that next town over. We walked there. The pics below are from that town. Same place I wanted to go study but clearly did not. This town is beautiful. Most places here are. Even the not nice looking places. It is all so different from home. Anyway, we walked there and ate ice cream and just walked around. The arcitecture here leaves me speechless so often.

Oh!! Something great before I get outta here...the mom. She kills me. We went to the market and I was of course not only rocking an FSU swaetshirt but and LSU tshirt. I'm not sure how this worked out but it did. I took off my sweatshirt because it was soo hot and she asked how much weight I'd lost since being here and I said none. For some reason she tries to make eat all the time!! And actually I just thought of something. Haha anyway. Ill make that connection in a sec. Its funny she does this to me because she doesnt eat a lot either. So I think, she thinks I have an eating disorder. Clearly if she just looked at me she could tell thats NOT true. Well a few weeks ago I was sick. No big deal...specially since I've recently had stomach issues and undergone tons and tons of testing. Well she twice asked if I was pregnant!!! And once when I told her no she looked at my stomach!! I wish I could tell her that I did not get pregnant, move 4000 miles away from my family to a socialist country, quit my job, to have a baby. Nope. Didn't do that. (The connection, maybe shes worried about my eating cause she still thinks I am knocked up) The third thing, she was quizzing me about my love life. Once she asked me something so, I think, she could determined if I liked dudes or the ladies. Well then when we went to Paris she kept asking about guys I've dated. God knows this is not something I talk about with my best friends much less this kind of stranger. Well in the end I am not sure what her perception of me is. Im convinced she now thinks I am an anorexic, pregnant, man hating lesbian. This should be so fun...

I will write again Wednesday. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say or that no one will really give any fucks. Which is fine, I get annoyed with myself plenty. Enjoy the pics!  Although now that I look at them they are not great. Ill take more soon.

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