Saturday, October 4, 2014

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain

Ah this week is over. I did not write on Wednesday like I said I would because it wasn't worth it and I don't want to write short posts as to irritate my band of misfit followers. Monday I did not ride my bike anywhere. It was raining and gross like all day. Super sad. Tuesday I had two seperate French classes at two seperate places. The first class was just people speaking in French so I literally sat for two hours listening. It was so stupidly exhausting. My class in the afternoon was also semi uneventful. I was waiting for one girl to show so I could invite her to Paris this weekend but she never did. The rest of the week was normal. Feeding children, watching them, playing with them, bathing them, being irritated with them. The usual. I ran several times. I have to say, anger is a serious motivator. I am amazed by what my body is capable of in such a short time. I can run a lot farther than I ever have been able to and I am getting faster and faster. Faster by my standards because I would NOT classify my times as fast. Ha. Not even close.

I almost forgot! My American review of French McDonald's. It was good. Tasted close to what we have. I had a big Mac with fries. I tried to just get something normal because some of there menu say the least. Feel free to check it out here! 
Anyway, they have a sauce for the fries...I don't know how I would even describe the flavor because it was not very strong. It was a creamy white sauce with some green herbs in it...? I used it, but like I said it was just okay. The burger was not greasy, and was a little thicker than ours back home. The drinks are much smaller portion which doesn't actually surprise me. I really haven't seen many overweight people here. Things are much different. In the end, I'd eat it again, although hopefully not often. I'm not sure of the cost comparison because I stayed home while the dad went to get it.

This week has just been hard in general. When left to my own devices shit gets crazy. I'm still adjusting to this new life. To not having things that I did in America. Not having the ability to do whatever I want whenever. Not seeing my friends all the time. And just adjusting to my life as it lies currently. I've said 100 times this is not where I thought I would be and that really is so true. It is hard to just move on and not think about the past. There is a great quote by C.S. Lewis, who I am very fond of, he says, "there are far better things ahead than any we wave behind" In theory, this makes PERFRCT sense. In practice it's like getting punched straight in the stomach.

A few awesome things did happen, things that make me appreciate what I have in life. My plan was to hit up this American bar in Paris this weekend. When talking to a friend about this and my nervousness of this outing he gave this sound just do it. When I moved I just started going to the bar drinking and then I met people and said hey I need a couch to crash on. Actually, don't do that second part... Haha seriously so fantastic. I did not go to the bar and thus was not given the opportunity to spend the night on a strangers couch. I didn't go because this bar was having some huge Oktoberfest party. It's one thing to go to a bar and drink alone, which I am not above, I can promise you that. But going during a huge party to sit and drink alone...I don't know.

I also found out Netflix works here. All my research previously wielded results to the contrary, but it does work. However, and quite sadly I might add, it is very limited so I went ahead and canceled my account for now.

I have also been looking at concerts and things over here and Ed Sheeran will be here in February. I am quite excited and will probably buy tickets soon. I am also really REALLY hoping to see Bastille somewhere in Europe. I don't even care if I have to travel...obviously.

It has been interesting living here and understanding the government, health care, and political issues. It also makes me realize how far away from American news I am. I don't keep up with it all as much as I should and the information I get from should maybe not be my only source of information. I will try to make a better effort keeping up with my home country. This same sort of isolation goes for music and gossipy stuff as well. The radio stations here and pretty decent. They play English and French music. Some of the French music I even like and enjoy quite a bit. Let's hope one day I can understand more than every other word. Anyway, I don't really know what's happening or whats going on over in America. It takes a lot more effort than if I was actually living in it all.

Before I left my family threw me a going away party, which was amazing, in every sense and I still appreciate my friends and family who came out so so much. Well at this party, my sister asked people to write me letters that I could take with me. Well I have since read three. One from my god son which was adorable as are all his cards to me. One from my oldest best friend which was fantastic and one from my aunt this week. My aunt attached a picture inside that made me start crying as soon as I opened it (because I'm not the cold hearted bitch I appear to be or people think I am) Her words were upsetting and uplifting at the same time. The support that I have is so overhwleming sometimes that I don't even know how to process it. I don't know if I will ever be able to put into words my appreciation.

I decide this week to also make a list of some of the things I miss...because there are several...
1. A dryer. I have to do laundry like every other day because it takes 4 days for things to dry! I never ever thought I would miss a dryer.
2. Warm weather for running. It's cold her in the evenings and mornings and its only going to get worse...
3. American food. Because I'm a fat kid that loves food. Things here are so different and I miss snacks and like chips and dips and BREAKFAST!!!!! Shanes rib shack, too jays, fresh seafood (that I actually recognize the name of...) Spicy food...
4. Floss. Apparently floss is not a thing that is believed in here. I don't even like flossing but this is becoming an issue...
5. Sports. I can't watch any American sports here. One because it's not possible as far as my research has shown and two the time change!!! College football starts at 9, 10pm and like 2am here. It's crazy. I guess the one positive is the American bar is open till 5...? Plus when basketball starts...waahh
6. Lunches. I'm a professional lunch go-er. Ask anyone that knows anything about me. I miss lunches with my friends.
7. Ruled paper. They use this weird graph paper here that makes my eyes sad and my head hurt. I don't get it!!!

This weekend will be lazy for me. Besides cleaning my room and studying I have no plans. This is a blessing and a curse...see above when left to my own devices. But also doing nothing feels great. Next weekend we are traveling somewhere...I am not sure the name of the city. It is where the kids grandpa lives. He has sheep! And made his own airboat...? And grows Apple's in large amounts to make his own Apple juice which he sells. I am excited about this because I love Apple juice. The next weekend I'll get back to Paris and go to the American bar. Nothing crazy planned for the week either. I am going to ask a girl in my class if she wants to hang out some night this week tho. We will see how that goes. I don't have a ton of pictures this time. I have some from my running (which if you follow me on social media you have seen, so my bad) but I also took a picture of the terrible paper and my lunch on Tuesday which I bought myself at the grocery store. Lunch of champions my friends. I also hung up some inspirational things I printed out before I came here and hung that up. Some of the pics below are those. I also included a picture of the picture my aunt sent.

Something else I'm regularly slash moderately sad about is my parents buying a new boat. A bigger better boat. and I won't be there to use it till next year. This is super sad for me, a kid who grew up on a boat on the water. I am so excited for this it is not even funny! #teamnewboats ... Sorry mom...haha

I'm still alive and well so no one worry. Apparently there are some worries going around. I'm good. Figuring it all out and by it I mean life which is fucking hard, and exhausting and turbulent. But hey, I'm in France. Time to grab life by the balls, oui?

And lastly the interactive part of this show! I need a new book or books. Please if you're willing and have some ideas feel free to leave comments! I'd love suggestions...

Title quote: Bob Marley

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