Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Not until we are lost, do we begin to find ourselves.

I've been reading a lot lately because I'm avoiding studying French and I have the time. Time. Something I haven't had for myself in a really long while. Anyway, I was reading today and surfing came up. It brough back so many memories. It reminded me of the last time I wrote a post and talked about how music can take you back to a memory and bring it back like you're living it right now. Well reading about surfing did the same thing. I dated a guy in highschool and that was his love, surfing. He taught me to surf and looking back now I'm so thankful he liked to skip school and go surfing because he was able to pass that on to me. It wasn't just him though. My best friend in high school was super into surfing as well. Reading this brought back so many memories of being with them in the water. It was never something I did on my own. I don't love the beach, I love being in the ocean or on a boat. I love wake boarding and fishing. But all the memories that flooded back to me with those two people brought the biggest smile to my face. I am so greatful that I can look back on that now and be so happy about those memories. To be so happy that these two people were able to share their passion with me. It makes me want to do something about it when I get home. I want to surf more. Granted, south Florida is shit for waves, but maybe if I get another job offer in California I can start new adventures there and create more memories that have to do with surfing. I probably should add some arm work outs to my lovely fitness regimen. Allison and Mike...if either of you ever read this...thank you. Thank you for giving me those memories that mad emy day brighter and thank you for sharing your passion with me. I sometimes think we let bad memories outweigh the good or we focus on the most recent past and not things that happened years and years ago. I think maybe there are things in the past that we are forgetting and that we take for granted.

Now that that's hair. My hair is getting too long. I know this because when i start to look like I'm 15 instead of 20-something shits going down hill quickly. I don't want super short hair but I've gotten to a point where cutting it off seems like a waste. I can donate my hair. It's literally something so easy that can help others. It's just hair. I'm lucky to have it. But goodness. Washing long hair...ugh...styling long hair...blech...just awful. I had intended to not cut my hair until I get back from France, and that's still the plan but I'm going crazzzyyyy.

The "day care effect" has struck again. After spending time being coughed, sneezed and snotted on, I'm getting sick again. Both the kids have been sick all week and have had fevers. I hate being sick. I especialy hate being sick when I have no one to take care of me. Sadly, I don't have what I like to call "mom magic" (cause...I'm not a mom...) which would allow me to be around sick tots and avoid falling ill. Trying to take care of kids while sick is 10 times more exhausting. I don't know how people do it, it is really quite impressive. We will see how this plays out. I have plans this weekend I have no intention of breaking...wish me luck my friends.

I started to realize today the things I will miss this year and it's pretty sad. Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. Not surprisingly, the people of France do not celebrate the pilgrims and Indians settling and all that in America...since it's France. I love so many things about Thanksgiving, but I won't get any of that this year. I also love Christmas. I don't love it because I get gifts; I like it because I'm really good at giving gifts and I love seeing people open what I give them. I won't get that either. Well, not really. I'm sure while my mom and I are in a hotel in Paris we will Skype with my family, but still. I also really really love wrapping gifts. So far I have ordered several things but had them mailed home, because obviously that makes more sense. I won't get to wrap any of those things. New Years will be interesting since I've spent New Years the past several years with some variation of the same people...that won't happen. I am, however, excited about the possability of starting a new year in a new country. I know I should only look at the positives and that I am so lucky to be where I am, but I'm still sad. C'est la vie.

I am currently sitting at the train station after just becoming a resident of France and legal to stay here more than 3 months. That was a fun experience. Being questioned about having spent anytime in Africa by a very interesting doctor and spending 15 minutes topless getting xrays and being weighed and measured all while topless. Fyi it's cold in France and I don't necessarily make it a habit to flash my girls all over these days. But I am now allowed to stay and it should be interesting. I was also given an entire speech in French that I barely understood because the woman spoke so so quickly!!! Well after this train ride it's full time work for two days and then vacation!!! Going to the beach for 5 days is quite exciting. I'll be sure to write about that entire experience. Oh! One good thing that happened at this interesting topless meeting was that I made another friend! She was in the French class I got kicked out of. So yay! More friends!!

This short and semi sad/depressing post is going to be it for now. Nothing exciting has been happening and I have had no great adventures. I am leaving tomorrow for the west coast, as I call it, the Atlantic coast as is called by the French. I will be staying in a city called Vendée for like five days. The city is near the beach!!! So I will see a beach for the first time since I left home. That's of course because I live on the water at home now...Which I miss so so much. Anyway. I am sure I will have plenty to write about after and I'll make sure to post something. I don't really have any pictures to accompany this either but it do have a cool post I found and also a hilarious blog someone sent me. Actually, I'll include some pictures of my dogs that my family recently sent me. I love my family and friends but I miss my dogs most... Enjoy this post, and expect one from me next Sunday or Monday after my trip! Oh yea! And my mom is coming for Christmas! I will be booking our hotel in Paris for Christmas eve and Christmas day very soon!!!! Crossing my fingers for my first ever white Christmas in one of the most beautiful cities ever...later!!

Great article about traveling-

A very funny blog!- 

*sorry I cant get links to work and im about to leave. Copy and paste the site addresses!

Title quote: my friend Jackie

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